Friday, February 15, 2008

I finished it!

I finally finished it - my January challenge book, Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens! It took longer than a month, but in my defense I did not begin reading until the 2nd week of January. And I am one of those readers that reads EVERY SINGLE WORD...otherwise, I am a SLOW reader. I get personally involved in my books.

Now what did I think of it? I didn't like it at all until around chapter 32. I read all the blog posts on thinking it would help me understand what my problem was with this book.
Wish I'd just stuck it out and finished the book developing my own opinion first. And yes, I did end up liking the book very much :) And, I even liked Pip before the book ended; not so sure about Estella.
So, my next read - February's challenge book - is The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. And, I am reading it first...before reading what the others in the Reading Dangerously Challenge think!

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