Thursday, March 13, 2008

My 'K' Key

I was laptopping away earlier this week when my letter 'K' got stuck. I tapped on it - no response. I assessed the situation and gave it a little 'nudge.' Off it popped! What an annoyance!

I worked and worked with it. Put on the cheater glasses - no luck. Took off my contacts so I could see up luck. Found a pair of tweezers and carefully positioned the tiny key components into position. Pop! Off it came again. After some Google searches on how to replace laptop keys and several more failed attempts...I am sad to say that I gave up.

Determined not to go on and on about my missing 'K' key, I put my laptop away. Several times I considered opening it back up but didn't want to even look at the mangled keyboard.

Later that night Roger was laptopping away on his trusty Dell. The dear husband had ordered me a replacement keyboard...and I didn't even have to nag!

1 comment:

Just Jonna said...

aw, what a nice guy! he sounds like a keeper =)

and isn't it amazing how often you need to use the k? it's a highly overlooked key.