Monday, December 3, 2007

Funny Faces

Sometimes when we have pictures taken we want to hide them from the world. Recently I had my school ID photo made and YIKES! Fortunately the photo is quite small and I certainly don't have to look at it anyway. My friend/co-worker didn't particularly care for her picture either (they really weren't that bad!) so she immediately put her extra picture copies through the office shredder! Mine are not shredded, but I am not sharing them either!

I have a favorite 'face' picture of Grandboy AJ that was taken at summer camp this year...

Then there is the picture of this Grammy'face' that would scare any Grandboy thinking about causing trouble for his Grammy...

Of course this 'face' picture of Grandboy Caden is so adorable that no Grammy can resist :)

Oh, and then there is this great 'face' picture of husband Roger taken just a few days ago that I just adore :)

1 comment:

Just Jonna said...

face pictures are great! and yeah, i've had a few that it would be nice to hide, too! fortunately, none of those faces need to be hidden. well, maybe the madgrammy face, but definitely pull that one out on occasion! lol