Monday, April 28, 2008

It was Just a Dream...I Knew That!

I knew it was going to happen - don't really know how I knew...I just did. Mother Earth was coming to a screeching halt, abruptly discontinuing her rotation, at which time life as we know it would hastily end.

Standing out in the street, I felt disconnected. No one looked familiar. Police officers, military...strange people were everywhere, but in spite of that, things were a quiet kind of orderly chaos. Did they know too?

A man put a FedEx envelope into a small blue and white box along with a check to pay for the delivery. He could not believe they would allow him to pay with a delivery would actually be made, and of course the check would never hit the bank. The stranger seemed pleased with himself.

The weather was pleasant, a bit warm but tolerable - a gentle breeze kissed my face causing me to turn slightly. From my left, behind an unusual bank of clouds, an intense light appeared high in the sky.

The clock reads 4:30 a.m. I am all comfy in my early morning bed. I do not want to move - as my age increases the comfort of lying easily in one spot is rare. Something is always hurting! I lay silently just enjoying the quiet, painless, peacefulness of the morning. Am I still dreaming?

5:00 a.m. - the whirl of the grinder in the automatic coffee maker announces that another morning has begun...and assures me that the Earth is still on her axis...rotating away!

1 comment:

Just Jonna said...

WOW! I thought you were quoting out of a book or something! Is there more? Can you continue that dream tonight? Inquiring minds want to know!