Sunday, September 16, 2007

In Preparation...

I am having a difficult time wrapping myself around the reality that another Texas Mile is upon us. The last one, although we had high hopes of 200 mph runs down the track, did not turn out so well. There are two of them a year and March's Mile was a bit more than I could handle ( Turbo Busa Tumble - April 07). I will add October's upcoming Mile to the list of things currently keeping me awake at night!

This time 'we've' done things a bit different. I say 'we' like I actually have anything to do with it...I have NOTHING to do with it. I do nothing except fret!

We took the turbo Hayabusa to Johnny Cheese in Round Rock, Texas - yes, that really is his name - who worked for quite some time to tune the bike, producing a Texas Mile 'map' that he says will get us the mph we need for the Mile. Okay, I really don't know exactly what all this means, after all who needs a map to get down a straight one mile track anyway! I mean, there is already a GPS on that thing...we need a map too?! I can tell you one thing - turbo tuning is VERY loud.

Johnny Cheese tunes the Turbo Busa

We took the grandpup, Chance, along with us to Mr. Cheese's shop (he was a big hit, as always), and he knew exactly what to do - he put on ear protection!

Chance attends most all of our racing events - he is quite the traveler - and I often wonder what he thinks about his life. He makes friends wherever he goes and usually he just lays there and enjoys the attention.

Chance and his Papa take a nap at the track.

Chance cools off with some damp cloths at a hot race in Houston.

Jen and Chance inspect the damage on 'Rustman's' crashed bike at a Texas Mile. This bike went through the speed trap at 209 mph before taking it's tumble.

Grandboy AJ gets a seat in one of the 'fast' Texas Mile cars! I know it won't be long before AJ gets his turn at the mile - but I am pretty certain he will be on 4 wheels :)

Another landspeed racer ready for a run on the Texas Mile.

One of my very favorite pictures taken on the Mile. Jenn in the background and a man on his 'barstool' pit-cruiser.

Oh, I suppose I will survive once again - and when it is over, I am just certain I will have amazing pictures and wonderful memories as with all of our great adventures!

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