Sunday, April 8, 2007

Sir Barky-Butt Chance

Hmmm...this is probably not a good thing as far as Sir Barky-Butt Chance is concerned.

Rumor has it that he had one of these famous collars while he lived in Hawaii. Do you think he knows what is about to happen? And do you think it will help? Oh my, this is difficult - I've had the blasted collar for over two weeks but have not had the courage to put it on him.

But, after a very barky Easter morning, and knowing the house would soon be full of activity, I broke out the collar, installed the battery and tested it...Yikes! - it worked. No barks escaped from Sir Barky-Butt until the two grandboys came bouncing through the door. Then, "BARK!! BArk! ba-rk.... That was it. Although very active for the remainder of the day, there were no more barks while those grandboys were here.

Soon, Chance settled down with his football and stuffed squirrel and waited for his dinner. Down but not sooner had I removed the bark control collar than he was out the back door to terrorize the backyard neighbors hounds - large or small, he has no mercy - Sir Barky-Butt Chance is his name and barking is his game!

1 comment:

Just Jonna said...

Wow, I have got to get one of those for Buddy! There is nothing that quite compares to the bay of a coonhound echoing off the tinny insides of mobile home!