Friday, April 6, 2007

Noodles for Papa and Chance

You know those 'noodles' they use at the beach and in swimming pools? They work great! They are useful for other things also - you can cut a slit all the way down one of them and place a brightly colored 'noodle' on a hauler cable to keep innocent race fans from accidentally running into a cable. We purchased two of them to use on our motorcycle hauler - bright green (I wanted pink, but considering that Jenn and I have already inundated Roger with pink everywhere, thought I'd give him a break and get bright green.

Chance always greets us at the front door when we get home from anywhere and today was no different. Roger carried the two green 'noodles' through the front door and instead of just putting them away, he began to entice Chance, who immediately took the bait. Then instead of the normal command, "Chance, DROP!" Roger fell to the floor and began to wrestle the monster Dane! Before I knew it the two of them had that big green 'noodle' in shreds all over the living room floor! What a waste of a green 'noodle!'
On the other hand, I suppose it was worth the $1.50 just to watch a 56 year old grandpa roll around on the floor with his humongous shinning black Grandpup.

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