Thursday, December 20, 2007

My Recycled Christmas

With all the hype about recycling and seeing some of the really neat things made from recycled products, I was pleased to see Calallen High School's Earth Club come up with these two Christmas recycling projects.

Now, I do realize that these projects do not stand up to recycling disposable diapers to be used as roofing material (I am totally impressed with whoever thought that one up), but they really are crafty ideas!
Sometimes my aluminum cans get recycled, but unfortunately most of the time they end up mixed in with the other trash. Once, years and years ago, I crocheted cut-up Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper cans into hats which we wore to the Indianapolis 500 race...that was fun :) Even my mother-in-law wore one!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I Give Up!

See that black bike on Jen's right side? The one she is resting her arm against? Well, just a week ago it was YELLOW. I don't know how things like that change so quickly...obviously while I have my back turned, or am blinking my eyes.

The other bike, on her left is the one that carried Jen and then her dad to over 200 mph at the Texas Mile just over 2 months ago (seems like yesterday, not over 2 months ago!)

I don't know how I am going to handle this when the grandboys get older and begin to do some of the things their dad, papa and Aunt Jen do. Surely they won't want to do those things...?

There must be some reprieve in there for Grammy's...right?

Should I just give up now? I've got it! I will just give up blinking - nothing can happen between blinks.

Last look at bright yellow GSXR-1000 before it became the black racing bike with pink decals.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night"

4:00 a.m.

What is that noise? I awoke wondering if I'd slept through my normal 5 a.m. alarm. Nope - it was 4 in the morning. I could hear trucks...big trucks...cement trucks... Ah come on! It's 4 a.m.!

6:00 a.m.

Since I had been rousted from my sleep so early I decided to go to the grocery store (WalMart) across the road. On the way I found the noisy trucks 1/2 block away at the new yet-to-be-opened Holiday Inn Express. They are putting in the parking lot... Isn't that nice a Holiday Inn Express 1/2 block from my house...right next to the sign that says they are putting a strip mall in on what is left of Brookhaven Drive. Sheesh!


This is Texas for crying out loud - a State where the cattle outnumber the people...just not on Brookhaven Drive.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Funny Faces

Sometimes when we have pictures taken we want to hide them from the world. Recently I had my school ID photo made and YIKES! Fortunately the photo is quite small and I certainly don't have to look at it anyway. My friend/co-worker didn't particularly care for her picture either (they really weren't that bad!) so she immediately put her extra picture copies through the office shredder! Mine are not shredded, but I am not sharing them either!

I have a favorite 'face' picture of Grandboy AJ that was taken at summer camp this year...

Then there is the picture of this Grammy'face' that would scare any Grandboy thinking about causing trouble for his Grammy...

Of course this 'face' picture of Grandboy Caden is so adorable that no Grammy can resist :)

Oh, and then there is this great 'face' picture of husband Roger taken just a few days ago that I just adore :)